Vivekanandha Arts and Science College for Women


   College of Arts and Sciences for Women (Autonomous)
   'A+' Grade by NAAC || ISO 9001:2015 Certified
   DST-FIST & DST-PG CURIE Sponsored
   Approved by UGC Act 1956 under Section 2(f)&12(B) and AICTE
   Affiliated to Periyar University, Salem


Faculty development is an essential element of Institutional effectiveness. The extent to which the institution supports faculty development will be strongly reflected in levels of the engagement in learning activities, conduct of research and ultimately fulfilling the objectives and goals of the Institution. To improve the quality of education, it has become essential to improve the teaching skills and knowledge of the teachers in the subjects they teach. The Centre for Faculty Development started by Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences for Women (Autonomous) conducts faculty development training programmes to cater to the needs of faculty members. The Centre trains the teachers to plan and prepare the lessons, understand the subject contents and improve the teaching quality.

    Chief Co-ordinators :

  • Dr.P.Baby Shakila, Principal


    S_No Dates of Event Title of the   professional development / administrative training programs organised No. of Participants
    1 20-12-2021   to 24-12-2021 Hands   on training for LED assembling, sanitizer, Tiles cleaner, Toilet cleaner,   Hand wash and Dish wash liquid 114
    2 12-06-2020 English   Language Training 30
    3 17-10-2020 Faculty   development programme on Emerging trends on pedagogiy based principles of   teaching methodologies in biosciences 24
    4 18-11-2020 FDP   on Online Teaching Pedagogy 32
    5 27-11-2020 Faculty   Development Programme on Linearization Technique for Non-Linear BVP for ODE   and PDE 18
    6 05-12-2020 NAAC   Revised Assessment Methodologies and Quality Enhancement Strategies 161
    7 08-12-2020 to 12-12-2020 FDP   on Recent Innovations in Organic Synthesis - (RIOS) 28
    8 16-12-2020 FDP on Values of Human Rights 40
    9 21-12-2020 FDP   on Personlized Nutrition during Pandemic Situtation 30
    10 30-12-2020 FDP on "Money Does not buy Happiness   Money buy Choices. It is What You do with those choices that makes you   Happpy" 50
    11 28-01-2021 FDP   on E-Content Development 34
    12 30-01-2021 Faculty   Development Program on Real time PCR in Diagnosis of emerging infectecious   disease 10
    13 20-02-2021 Faculty   Develpment Program on a Glimpse to place as scientist in DRDO Defence   research and Development organisation 10
    14 22-02-2021   to 05-03-2021 FDP   on Innovative Teaching Methodology for Higher Education 30
    15 25-02-2021 FDP   on Graphology 40
    16 04-03-2021 Faculty   Development Programme on CSIR Mathematical Sciences 18
    17 05-03-2021 FDP   on Birds Migration 22
    18 05-03-2021 FDP   on How to conserve birds ? 22
    19 12-03-2021 Strategy   for Managing Personal Finance Including Mutual Funds and NPS 60
    20 13-03-2021 Faculty   Development Programme on Teaching Pedagogy 29
    21 20-4-2021 FDP   on Learning and Teaching Strategies in   a modern Perspective 10
    22 25-05-2021 to 31-05-2021 One   Week Virtual Faculty Development Programme on "Teaching Peadgogies for   Virtual Classroom 425
    1 8/6/2019 Faculty   Development Program - Destiny of Nation is Decided by the Teachers 100
    2 10/7/2019 Successful   Startup Founders(NT) 10
    3 18-07-2019 Faculty   Development Programme on Interactive Smart Board Usage 34
    4 14-8-2019 FDP   on Outcome Based Pedagogic Principles for Effective Teaching and Learning 18
    5 23-8-2019 FDP   on Advanced Research in Nano Particles 40
    6 9/9/2019 Life   style Management for young Faculties 60
    7 10-09-2019 to 12-09-2019 FDP   on Environmental Chemistry and Green Chemistry 37
    8 24-9-2019 FDP   on the New Pedagogy based Teaching and Learning in Bio sciences 22
    9 4/10/2019 Faculty   Development Programme on Partial Differential Equations and It’s Applications 27
    10 15-10-2019 Short term Training Program - Lab Safety and   First Aid Awareness 3
    11 21-11-2019 FDP   on Innovative teaching technology 45
    12 6/12/2019 Administrative   Training Program for Office Staff 30
    13 6/12/2019 FDP   on Financial Education for young investors( Faculty ) 40
    14 3/1/2020 FDP   on Awareness on Medical coding 20
    15 28.01.2020 Faculty   development programme on Writing proposals to state and central bodies 40
    16 28.03.2020 Faculty   development programme on Opportunities in Medical coding 20
    17 18-03-2020 Faculty   Development Programme on Aptitude Skill Development Programme 27
    19 20-04-2020   to 26-04-2020 Faculty   Development Programme on Art of writing Research Articles 50
    20 3/5/2020 Fine   Tuning Research Skills for Effective Writing (Thesis, Article and Proposal) 62
    21 6/5/2020 Online   Teaching Tools 27
    22 13-05-2020 to 15-05-2020 Advanced   Research Methodology & Statistical Analysis (SPSS & AMOS) 50
    23 17-05-2020 Corona   Virus Pandemic Versus stock marketing volatility Identifying Meaningful   Investment Avenues 30
    1 09-06-2018 FDP on   Scientific Paper Writing Skills for Young Faculty 20
    2 22-06-2018 FDP   on Creative Thinking 10
    3 03-07-2018 FDP   onComputer Skill Training Program 4
    4 10-07-2018 to    14-07-2018 FDP   on Nanoscience and Nanotchnology - Current Perspectives 15
    5 30-07-2018 Faculty   development programme on “Teachers self development, understnding the   mindsets and Blooms taxanomy revised” 89
    6 20-08-2018 Art   of Writing Research Papers and its Applications with High Impact Factor 38
    7 24-08-2018 FDP   on Wealth From waste 22
    8 10-10-2018 Faculty   Development Programme on Application of Statistics 31
    9 12-10-2018 FDP   on English for Employability 35
    10 15-11-2018   to 16-11-2018 Faculty   Development programme on Decision Making skills 31
    11 03-12-2018 Art   of Tinkering for A3E faculty (Alive, Awake, Alert, Enthusiastic) 30
    12 03-12-2018 Computer   Literacy Programme For Non-Teaching Members 15
    13 05-12-2018 Orientation   programme "Roles and responsibilities of lab assisatants" 10
    14 14-01-2019 FDP   on Digital Marketing 30
    15 04-02-2019 FDP   on Soil analysis for Mulberry Garden 22
    16 07-02-2019 to 08-02-2019 A   Two Day Faculty Training Programme 96
    17 08-02-2019 FDP   On Modern Technology in Teaching 10
    18 12-03-2019 Faculty   Development Programme on Differential And Algebraic Topology 31
    19 27-03-2019   to 28-03-2019 Faculty   Development Programme on Patent and Intellectual Property Rights 33
    1 15-07-2017 Faculty   development programme on “Advanced rDNA Technology” 32
    2 07-08-2017 Faculty   Development Programme on Recent Trends in IT Field 32
    3 09-08-2017 Faculty   Development Programme on Modern Aspects of Calculus And Analysis 40
    4 19-08-2017 Faculty Development   Programme on Synthatic Biology 18
    5 28-08-2017 Short term Training   Program on Fire safety Awarness Program 3
    6 07-09-2017 FDP   programme on Water Quality Management in Aquarium 15
    7 16-10-2017   to 20-10-2017 FDP   on Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences (RACS) 45
    8 16-11-2017 FDP   on Developing LSRW Skills 36
    9 07-12-2017 FDP   on Advanced Leadership Skills 25
    10 06-02-2018 FDP on MicroTeaching 10
    11 07-02-2018 FDP   on Application of variuous research aspects in Science 30
    12 11-02-2018 Faculty   development programme on Research Methods in Biology 30
    13 05-03-2018 Faculty   Development Programme on Algebra And Analysis 40
    14 08-03-2018 Faculty   Development Programme on Ground Water Quality Management 15
    1 14-07-2016 Faculty   Development Programme on Complex Analysis 46
    2 19-07-2016 Faculty   Development Programme Effective Teaching Management 15
    3 25-07-2016 FDP   on stress management 35
    4 11-09-2016 How   to Frame Error Free Questions 30
    5 13-09-2016   to 17-09-2016 FDP   on Recent Advances in Materials Research and applications - RAMRA 35
    6 19.9.2016 FDP   on Enterpreneurship for Young Faculty 19
    7 12-11-2016 Faculty   Development Programme on Research Methodologies 27
    8 02-12-2016 Faculty   Development Programme 35
    9 08-12-2016 FDP   on E-Learning 30
    10 09-12-2016 FDP   on Enhancing Communicative Skills 30
    11 11-12-2016   to 13-12-2016 A   Three Day FDP on Research Methodology and Data Analysis 40
    12 27-12-2016 Faculty   development programme on “Research article writing” 35
    13 07-01-2017 Faculty   development programme on “Intellectual property rights” 35
    14 23-01-2017 Faculty   Development Programme on Efficient Education System 15
    15 23-01-2017 to 24-01-2017 Faculty   Development Programme on Teaching Technologies 40
    16 08-02-2017 Faculty   Development Programme on Geometric Representation of Solutions of   Differential Equations 46