
   College of Arts and Sciences for Women (Autonomous)
   'A+' Grade by NAAC || ISO 9001:2015 Certified
   DST-FIST & DST-PG CURIE Sponsored
   Approved by UGC Act 1956 under Section 2(f)&12(B) and AICTE
   Affiliated to Periyar University, Salem


E-learning is a learning which is utilizing the information and communication technologies (ICT) to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. It refers to a course or program delivered completely through online with the help of mobile, computers and internet. It only takes a good e-learning tool for education to be facilitated from virtually anywhere any time. E-learning facilitate to share the study material in all kinds of formats such as Videos, PowerPoint shows, Word documents, and PDFs. Conducting webinars (live online interactive classes) and communicating with teachers via online chat and message forums is also available to the leaner’s for clearing individual doubts and queries. In this scenario, our college believes online courses and e-learning are much important to acquire extra skills and knowledge beyond curriculum. To implement this e-learning in a successful way, our Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences has become the nodal CENTRE of Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) to offer various courses under SWAYAM project of MHRD Government of India. From the last two years many of our students and faculty members have successfully completed the various certificate courses offered by the leading institutions such IITs and NITs.


  • Dr.P. Baby Shakila , Principal

  • Mr.R. Mohana Sundaram, Chief Coordinator

  • Mrs D.K.Priya, AP/English
  • Dr.Sasikumar, AP/Commerce
  • Mrs.V.T.kruthika, AP/Computer Science
  • Dr.R.Senthil kumaran, AP/MBA
  • Ms.R.Kaviya Shri, AP/Chemistry
  • Dr.M.silambarasan, AP/Physics
  • Mr.R.Arvindganth, AP/Bio-Chemistry
  • Dr.B.GopalaKrishnan, AP/Bio-Technology
  • Dr.V.Anbalagon, AP/Zoology
  • Dr.C.Anbarasu, AP/Zoology
  • Mr.M.Ranjithkumar, AP/Maths
  • Ms.J.Keerthika, AP/History
  • List of Students Successfully Completed the Online Course

    S.No Name of the Student Dept/year Session Name of the Course Course offered by
    1 Yasheela.V Chemistry/ Jan-April 2019 FN Biochemistry IIT Kharagpur
    2 Niveditha.M Chemistry/ Jan-April 2019 FN Industrial Inorganic Chemistry IIT Kharagpur
    3 Suruthi.R Maths/ Jan-April 2019 FN Basic Linear Algebra IIT Bombay
    4 Kaavya.N Commerce/ Jan-April 2019 FN Global Marketing Management IIT Roorkee
    5 Monisha.P Biotechnology/ June-Dec 2019 FN Genetic Engineering: Theory and Applications IIT Guwahati
    6 Sasi Bhaarathi.S Biotechnology/ June-Dec 2019 FN Bio-Energy IIT Kanpur
    7 Sudha.S Microbiology/ June-Dec 2019 FN Nanotechnology in Agriculture IIT Kanpur
    8 Banupriya.V Microbiology/ June-Dec 2019 FN Nanotechnology in Agriculture IIT Kanpur
    9 Priyanka.M Microbiology/ June-Dec 2019 FN Nanotechnology in Agriculture IIT Kanpur
    10 P.Narmatha Microbiology/ June-Dec 2019 FN Nanotechnology in Agriculture IIT Kanpur
    11 A.M.Hafeesa Amrin Microbiology/ June-Dec 2019 FN Nanotechnology in Agriculture IIT Kanpur
    12 C.Nithya Sri Microbiology/ June-Dec 2019 FN Nanotechnology in Agriculture IIT Kanpur
    13 Akriti Seth Zoology/ June-Dec 2019 FN Wide Life Conservation IIT Kanpur
    14 Shweta Kullu Zoology/ June-Dec 2019 FN Wide Life Conservation IIT Kanpur
    15 Punam Kumari Zoology/ June-Dec 2019 FN Wide Life Conservation IIT Kanpur
    16 Monisha.A Computer Applications/ June-Dec 2019 AN Introduction to Internet of things IIT Kanpur
    17 Priyadarshini.S Physics / June-Dec 2019 AN Digital Circuits IIT Kharagpur

    List of Staff Members Successfully Completed the Online Course

    S.No Nameof the Staff Designation / Department Nameof the Course Courseoffered by
    1 Mr.R.MohanaSundaram AP/ComputerScience ActiveSPOC and NPTEL Brand Ambassador IITMadras
    2 Dr.R.Anburaj AP/Microbiology Nanotechnologyin Agriculture IITKanpur
    3 Mr.A.SakthiThesai AP/Microbiology Nanotechnologyin Agriculture IITKanpur
    4 Mr.M.Balasubranian AP/Biotechnology FunctionalGenomics IITKanpur
    5 Dr.P.Sumitra AP/ComputerScience HumanComputer Interaction IITMadras
    6 Mr.C.SathishKumar AP/English DevelopingSoft skills and Personality IITKanpur
    7 Dr.V.Selvam AP/Commerce CostAccounting IITBombay

    List of Staff Members Successfully Completed the Online FDP Course

    S.No Nameof the Staff Designation/Department FDP Nameof the Course Course offered by
    1 Dr.R.Anburaj AP/Microbiology NPTEL-AICTE Nanotechnologyin Agriculture IITKanpur
    2 Mr.A.SakthiThesai AP/Microbiology NPTEL-AICTE Nanotechnologyin Agriculture IITKanpur
    3 Mr.M.Balasubranian AP/Biotechnology NPTEL-AICTE FunctionalGenomics IITKanpur
    4 Dr.P.Sumitra AP/ComputerScience NPTEL-AICTE HumanComputer Interaction IITMadras
    5 Mr.C.SathishKumar AP/English NPTEL-AICTE DevelopingSoft skills and Personality IITKanpur
    6 Dr.V.Selvam AP/Commerce NPTEL-AICTE CostAccounting IITBombay


    S.No Course Name Roll Number Name Department Assignment Exam Score Final Score Certificate Type
    1 Global Marketing Management NPTEL19MG10S51300158 KAAVYA KANAGARAJ Commerce 17.38 61.5 79 Elite+Silver
    2 Biochemistry NPTEL19CY06S52020011 YASHEELA V Chemistry 6.38 34 40 Successfully completed
    3 Industrial Inorganic Chemistry NPTEL19CY11S32020264 NIVEDITHA M Chemistry 13.66 28.5 42 Successfully completed
    4 Basic Linear Algebra NPTEL19MA06S11230058 R SURUTHI Maths 15.79 31.5 47 Successfully completed


    S.No Course Name Name Department Assignment Exam Score Final Score Certificate Types
    1Wild Life ConservationPUNAM KUMARIZoology24.5850.575Elite+Silver
    2Wild Life ConservationSHWETA KULLUZoology24.5846.571Elite
    3Wild Life ConservationAKRITI SETHZoology24.5835.560Elite
    4Cost AccountingSELVAM.VCommerce24.174266Elite
    5Nanotechnology in Agriculture -OnlineSUDHA SMicrobiology17.924563Elite
    6Nanotechnology in Agriculture -OnlineA M HAFEESA AMRINMicrobiology18.3349.568Elite
    7Introduction to Internet of Things- OnlineMONISHA ABCA254267Elite
    8Developing Soft Skills and Personality - OnlineSATHISH KUMAR CEnglish14.8354.7570Elite
    9Bio-energySASI BHAARATHI SBiotechnology12.0834.547Successfully completed
    10Nanotechnology in Agriculture -OnlineDR R ANBURAJMicrobiology103040Successfully completed
    11Nanotechnology in Agriculture -OnlineSAKTHI THESAI AMicrobiology16.2534.551Successfully completed
    12Nanotechnology in Agriculture -OnlineBANUPRIYA VMicrobiology16.253349Successfully completed
    13Nanotechnology in Agriculture -OnlinePRIYANKA MMicrobiology10.4237.548Successfully completed
    14Nanotechnology in Agriculture -OnlineP NARMATHABiotechnology17.53957Successfully completed
    15Nanotechnology in Agriculture -OnlineC NITHYASRIMicrobiology17.53048Successfully completed
    16Digital Circuits - OnlinePRIYADARSHINI SENTHILKUMARPhysics10.2231.542Successfully completed
    17Human Computer Interactions -OnlineP SUMITRAComputer Science18.2937.556Successfully completed
    18Genetic Engineering Theory and Application - OnlineMONISHA PRASANNABiotechnology13.0940.554Successfully completed
    19Functional Genomics - OnlineM BALASUBRAMANIANBiotechnology11.6743.555Successfully completed


    S.No Course Name Name Role Department Assignment Exam Score Final Score Certificate Type
    1 HumanMolecular Genetics KAAVYA.G Student Microbiology 11.67 48 60 Elite
    2 Bioengineering: An Interface with Biology and Medicine KAAVYA.G Student Microbiology 14.71 30 45 Successfully completed
    3 Wasteto Energy Conversion Mrs.S.SATHIYA Faculty Chemistry 21.17 30.62 52 Successfully completed


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